Common questions

If you can’t find the answer to your question here, get in contact with us via Contact US.

What is Floral Byte?

AI has become an invaluable tool in the initial stages of conceptualizing ideas. Through thought-provoking prompts, we aim to facilitate a deeper exploration of AI’s applications in design, particularly for architects, interior designer, landscape architects, and urban designers.

Why should I buy prompt?

Great question. As you know, we are in a transformative time with the adoption of AI entering everyday life, for anyone. 

Ever though your twitter feed is full of AI experts and threadbois & threadgals, MOST early adopters still are learning how to use each AI platform. New adopters will always have a learning curve. 

Enter, where you can buy established and researched prompts to help newbies along their journey. 

Can I obtain high-resolution versions of the images on the website?

Yes, by Sign Up for a free account, you will have access to high-resolution versions of every image on the website. Simply click on the image, and you can right-click to save it to your local device. If you have already registered an account, please Log In and refresh the page for high quality images.

What type of payment do you accept?

We accept most credit and debit cards, as well as Stripe and other online payment methods.

Can I get a refund if I'm not happy with the images generated by the prompt?

Due to the inherent randomness and unpredictability in the process of generating AI-generated images, we cannot guarantee that using the same prompt and settings will yield identical results. This unpredictability is part of the charm and nature of AI. Therefore, we are unable to provide a refund for dissatisfaction with the generated images.